Metabolic Intro Series - Part 3

What IS Energy?

Many people still think that food, or “calories”, equals “energy”.

In this video I do my best to show that calories don’t necessarily equal “energy", whilst also explaining in clear terms what energy actually is, why it matters so much, and how some things get in the way.

Resources - Beginners



It All Comes Down to Energy - Jay Feldman writing about energy - just in case you didn’t read this article from the last video!
ReThinking Optimal Health - Great Article by Allison, a fitness and nutrition coach, talking about optimal health goals and the interrelation with energy.
Eating for a Fast Metabolism - Article by Kristy Alford on the importance of a fast metabolic rate and packed full of further blog posts and articles.
How to Heal your Metabolism - Nutritionist Kate Deering writing about cellular energy and how that energy is affected by different foods and diet.


Energy is EVERYTHING - The video compliment for Jay Feldman’s energy article explaining exactly why energy matters so much.
ATP & Respiration - A great video by CrashCourse explaining what cellular respiration is and how glucose gets converted into energy!
Sugar, The Delicious Truth - MSc Keith Littlewood talking about cellular physiology and the importance of sugar and carbs in the diet.
The Reason your 1200 Calorie Diet is Making you Fat - Kitty Bloomfield and Kate Deering talk about restrictive diets, fat loss, and sugar



Resources - Science Minded



Cellular Respiration and Degeneration - Excellent article referencing Dr. Ray Peat’s work on cellular respiration and talking about the stress systems.
Energy, Structure, and Carbon Dioxide - Article by Dr. Ray Peat on just how essential cellular energy is to maintaining our health.
Sugar Issues - Ray Peat writing about the therapeutic use of sugar in medicine and why it is now such a misunderstood energy source.
Why you Don’t Want to be a Fat Burner - Superb article by Kyle Mamounis, Phd, discussing the dangers of fat metabolism and why glucose oxidation is preferred.


Energy and Structure - Danny Roddy talking about the importance of oxidative vs metabolism and why energy matters so much for maintaining structure.
Energy and Metabolism - Dr. Ray Peat talking about details involved in cellular respiration and what goes wrong when we lose the ability to process sugar
Causes and Non-Causes of Insulin Resistance - A presentation by Kyle Mamounis, Phd, discussing why sugar might not be the cause of diabetes.
Thyroid, CO2, Redox Balance - Danny Roddy and Georgi Dinkov covering basic metabolic theory and focusing on thyroid and carbon dioxide.

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Part 2 -Two Theories


Part 4 - What IS Stress?