Research and Reading
Books, articles, podcasts, blogs, and videos relevant to the Bioenergetic theory
Once we accept that knowledge is tentative, and that we are probably going to improve our knowledge in important ways when we learn more about the world, we are less likely to reject new information that conflicts with our present ideas.
— Raymond Peat, PHD
Research and Self-Study - Lists
Not everything here is 100% related specifically to the Bioenergetic Theory and I do not agree with everything written, however, all are worthy of research and many have contributed to my learning throughout the years.
On my Articles page you will also find a selection of suggested articles, themselves rich with references and study links, with which to begin - and which is being continually added too.
Books - Nutrition and Diet
Nutrition for Women, Dr. Ray Peat
Mind and Tissue, Dr. Ray Peat
Inflammation Nation, Floyd H Chilton. Phd
The Cholesterol Myth, Robert Buist
Nourishing Traditions, Sally Fallon
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston A. Price DDS
The No-Grain Diet, Dr. Joseph Mercola
Ignore the awkward! How the Cholesterol myths are kept Alive, Uffe Ravnshov
The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food, K. Daniel
Vitamin K2 and Calcium Paradox: How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life, Kate Rheaume-Bleue
Fuck Portion Control, Nathan Hatch
Eat for Heat, Matt Stone
Diet Recovery, Matt Stone
The Obesity Paradox, Carl J. Lavie, MD
Books - Science and Biology
From PMS to Menopause - The Female hormones in Context, Dr. Ray Peat
Endocrine Physiology, Dr. Constance R. Martin
Hypothyroidism, The Unsuspected Illness, Dr. Broda Barnes
Hypothyroidism Type 2, Dr. Mark Staar
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, Robert M. Sapolsky
Progesterone In Orthomolecular Medicine, Dr. Ray Peat
Generative Energy, Dr. Ray Peat
The Cortisol Connection, Shawn Talbott, PhD
The Trouble with Testosterone, Robert M. Sapolsky
Hair like a fox, Danny Roddy
The Stress of Life, Hans Selye, MD
Stress in Health and Disease, Hans Selye, MD
Life at the Cell and Below Cell Level, Gilbert Ling
The Metabolism of Tumors, Dr. Otto Warburg, MD, PHD
The Living State, with Observations on Cancer, Albert Szent Gyorgyi, PHD
“The purpose of education is largely to distemper the student, so that they depend on the system and become reliable”
— Ray Peat
Generative Energy Streams - Danny Roddy and Guests
Ray Peat Herb Doctor Interviews - Dr. Ray Peat with Andrew Murry
Vitajing Herbs - Vitajing Herbs
Butter Living - Zenso and Guests
The Generative Energy Podcast - Danny Roddy and Georgi Dinkov
Get Fit with Jodelle - Jodelle Fit and Guests
MitoLife TV - Matt Blackburn and Guests
Masterclass with Masterjohn 2, Energy Metabolism - Chris Masterjohn, PHD
Fatty Acids in Obesity and Disease - Kyle Mamounis, PHD
Causes and Non-Causes of Insulin Resistance - Kyle Mamounis, PHD
Raypeat.com - Collection of articles with reams of cited studies by Dr. Ray Peat
The Danny Roddy Weblog - Articles and blogs with citations by Danny Roddy
To Extract Knowledge from Matter - Large collection of blog posts by Georgi Dinkov examining studies in support of the Bioenergetic theory
The Ray Peat Forum - Valuable public forum based on the work of Ray Peat including support, studies, discussion, questions, and knowledge from members
180 Degree Health - Early articles by Matt Stone - an early proponent of Ray Peat’s work and metabolism supporter
Weston A. Price Foundation - Long term site dedicated to the work of Weston A. Price largely based around traditional eating and indigenous health principles