Metabolic Intro Series - Part 2


Two Theories

Though most people aren’t aware of it, there have been two major competing theories of health running for about the last 150 years, one of them based on genes and genetics, and the other based on cellular metabolism and energy.

In this video I break down the differences between them and where they both point us towards.

Resources - Beginners



It All Comes Down to Energy - Article by Jay Feldman on the importance of energy and why energy is the thing that connects health and disease.
I Survived Cancer and so Can You - Article by Nathan Hatch on curing his thyroid cancer and explaining why it worked.


Another View of Evolution - Danny Roddy and Georgi Dinkov discussing the two opposing views of evolution.
Lamarck vs Drawin - Useful video by BrainGenie on the differences between Darwin and Lamarck.



Resources - Science Minded



Adaptive Substance, Creative Regeneration - Article by Dr. Ray Peat on the problems with the genetic/Neo-Darwinistic approach.
Mitochondria and Mortality - Article by Dr.Ray Peat on the importance of mitochondria, energy, and carbon dioxide.
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease - Article by Thomas Seyfreid on cancer as its associations with metabolism.
A Unified Theory of Evolution - Article by Professor Michael Skinner on the combination of theories from both Darwin and Lamarck


Another view of Evolution - Danny Roddy and Georgi Dinkov discussing the two opposing views of evolution.
The Association Induction Hypothesis - Danny Roddy talking about the work of Gilbert Ling and why our current view of the cell might be wrong.
Lamarck Reloaded - Professor Peter Smith on TED talking about Epigenetics and how Lamarck’s theory impacts us today.
Origins and Lamarck - Dr. Ray Peat on the Primitive Initiative podcast talking about the Lamarckian view of evolution as well as extras.

Wanna tell me what you think?


Part 1 - Introduction


Part 3 - What IS Energy?