Mini Blog
Or check out the research and reading section and my articles page.
A Mini Blog??
Although I love writing and sharing through the medium of the written word, I am also a young father with two beautiful ( and beautifully demanding ) young children, and as such have little time for creating the kind of long, referenced, and satisfactory blog posts I would love to write for you.
After much debate I have decided to share my articles as “mini blogs”, which will be short and crisp articles outlining a particular facet of the Metabolic Approach or some other connected idea, alongside links to other well referenced and explanatory articles for you to follow for confirmation of the ideas.
With some audios!
Given time I will also be uploading a brief audio for each blog post so you can hear me explaining the concepts in my own words - let me know if you are interested in hearing about a particular topic and I’ll get to it when I can.